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Photo of Nadine Meade on her Peruvian Paso horse, "Primero"Photo of Nadine Meade on her Peruvian Paso horse, Primero.

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Nadine L. Meade


"Her work seems to have a brightness, a life of its own..."

Oklahoma Horse Magazine

Award-winning artist Nadine Meade grew up in rural Oklahoma, so it is not surprising that she developed a passion for horses. What is surprising was how that passion stirred her latent artistic abilities. In 1997, inspired by the two wild mustangs she and husband, "Spider", adopted Nadine put fabric paint to paper and created her first painting. Pleased with the results, she purchased some acrylics and set to work. Almost immediately her talent began to draw attention.

Much of Meade's work is taken from nature and the rural west; themes that now find expression in a variety of media including acrylic, watercolor, oil and sculpture. Known for her attention to detail, Meade's animal portraits are so realistic that children have been known to "pet" the horses. Sculpture pieces such as "Upset" and "Peruvian Paso Dream Catcher" reveal the artist's unique ability to create gravity-defying poses while maintaining that same exquisite detail.

Meade's paintings, sculptures, and prints now belong to private collectors in several states and have been featured in publications such as Oklahoma Horse Magazine. She's presented one-person shows, won state and local awards, and has been invited to exhibit in a number of juried showings. In addition, Meade's paintings have helped raise money for worthy causes such as Ronald McDonald House and the Jim Thorpe Hippotherapy Program. She has also been commissioned to create an annual trophy for the International Peruvian Paso Futurity. These exclusive, original bronze sculptures will be awarded to the yearly futurity winners.

Though her art career did not begin until she was an adult, the self-taught Meade has always been creative. Citing art as her favorite subject, Nadine showed promise in grade school after reading a simple book on drawing cartoons. Her mother says, "Her trees went from looking like lolly pops to looking like real trees almost immediately." In addition Nadine has long done leather tailoring and upholstery work. She also sews and crochets.

Nadine and Spider reside in rural Seminole County where they are building their own home. Plans include a second story glass-enclosed studio where Nadine can continue to explore the seemingly endless depths of her artistic talent.

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