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Nadine L. Meade's

Original Art


Art related web sites

Dick Blick is an art supply company that has always handled my orders in a professional and friendly manner and they have been very good to take care of any problems that I may have.

Working Artist is a Windows software application created to help artists manage the business side of art.

Genesis® Artist Colors are a new paint chemistry, called "Heat Set Artist Oils."

Horse related web sites

Breeds of Livestock

Horse Classifieds - FreeHorseAds.com

Horse Web


Horsetopia Horse Classifieds

Oklahoma Horse Online

Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association

Pasos on the Web Large selection of information on Paso horses, primarily Peruvian Pasos.

Peruvian Digest

Stolen Horse International, Inc, report stolen or help find stolen/missing horses, trailers, etc.

The Animal Rescue Site, your daily click helps animals survive.

Web site building

Free java scripts


HTML Goodies

Download Opera

Search Engine Optimization and Free Submission

W3C web page validator
These links are a few that I found interesting, by clicking them you are leaving my site and I have no control over their content.
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