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Painting of a horse named Mandy
Portrait of a palomino mustang named Mandy.

Nadine L. Meade's

Original Art

Free coloring book page. Coloring Book Of Horses
Coloring book page changed on July 1, 2013
Fun Art
Contact Nadine
Site Map
Guest Book
Non Art Web Pages
Visit "Non Art Web Pages" for my horse for sale page, to read a funny true story about a racoon house guest, or to view the first website I wrote about my husband and I and the house/barn we're building.



To view my progress setting up a store with my paintings and photos on various merchandise with Zazzle, a "Print on Demand" company follow this link. nadinelmeade Hope you enjoy it!

In the flash panel below are examples of what is available there. They do not have a minimum on the number custom items printed. Also, their items are greatly customizable, so if you want to add writing or change the color click the "Customize it!" button next to the item.

Visit store to see items available on Zazzle.

To those who attend our Almosta Farm Invitational Equestrian Shindig here is a link to the commemorative items for the ride.

Newest paintings on site

Left to right, Natalie, Alex and Calley BradfordAlex BradfordCalley Bradford363 Majestic BarnBighorn sheep painted in black and white with eye color for contrast.Cary Gregory 6th Illinois Calv Co BPainting of my old brown riding boots.A horse painted with blues.A bull standing in front of a barn, with a fence close by to climb if the bull charges!  367 Fragrant Outhouse371 Eagle In Flight368 Not Bambi's Mom365 One Chipmunk364 Two Chipmunks359 Romandal

View the latest additions to this site.

Art shown on this web site is original, no prints are included at this time. Custom art work, from your photos, available in graphite, watercolor paint, acrylic paint, Genesis brand oil paint, clay sculpture, or bronze sculpture. These original items make great gifts. Contact artist for details.

This site has a lot of graphics, please allow time for them to load.

Paintings/drawings on this site are priced unframed to help keep prices as low as possible. For framed prices please contact Nadine L. Meade.

All art on this site is copyrighted by Nadine L. Meade. The coloring book page is a free download, and will be changed regularly.

Painting photographed under different conditions.

Acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso horse named Rayo.
View a painting photographed under several different conditions.

Frame Variations

Acrylic Painting "Jim White's Barn" in frame #2
View a painting in several different frames, to see how it effects the look of the painting.
Site navigation information: If you go through this site using the "next page" option, located at the top and bottom of each page, these pages/options won't be shown.
photo variations |latest art added to site |frame variations

The pages showing enlargements will also not be shown if using the "next page" option.
Site last updated on July 1, 2013.
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