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Nadine L. Meade's


Visit the categories to view different types of paintings. The category "Art from Photos" displays examples of paintings showing some of what I can do while still working closely from a photo. If you have a favorite color, or color scheme I can incorporate it into a painting.

Filing of paintings under categories is not strictly adhered to, don't be surprised to find Western Scenes contains landscapes with a western flair, or animal portraits in Paintings with References.

Hope you enjoy browsing through the categories.

I've added a few thumbnails of the many paintings available for viewing through the links pages. I will try to get this page updated soon with more thumbnails and links from them to the larger images, but I have to divide my time between updating this site, painting, riding my Peruvian Paso geldings which I've traded paintings for over the years, and the many other things life requires of us. Hope you enjoy viewing my paintings and my web site. Nadine

Painting Categories
Latest art added to web site.  
Animal Portraits  
Western Scenes  
Peruvian Art
(pertaining to the Peruvian  Paso  Horse)
Still Lifes
(with reference photos)

Thumbnails linked to larger images.

313 Stress Relief Two
325 Miss J R324 Essie321 Robert Garner315 Apollo·'s Award Winning Look314 Larry Moreland and Jay Bar312 Stress Relief309 Jill Anderson288 Abigail270 Mandy TwoAcrylic painting of PHF Ronaldo, a Peruvian Paso horse.Water color painting of a Rat Terrier puppy named Kayto.Acrylic painting named "Killdeer's Dance""Apollo's Profile", an acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso horse"Apollo Fabio", a Genesis oil painting designed to give the feeling of a Fabio bookcover."Abigail", a Genesis oil painting of a Yorkshire TerrierAcrylic painting of a Peruvian stallion named *Casimiro de la PalizadaAcrylic Painting of a Peruvian gelding named Avatar Joven SRRAcrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso named Rayo.224 Diamonte De Primor CSJAcrylic painting of a Brahama cow named Dumplin'

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