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Nadine L. Meade's


363 Majestic Barn
Acrylic painting
"363 Majestic Barn",© 2008 by Nadine L. Meade,
24" x 36", $1,000
Painting inspired by an old barn located near Good Hart, Michigan.

371 Eagle In Flight
Acrylic painting
"371 Eagle In Flight",© 2008 by Nadine L. Meade,
20" x 24", $500
An bald eagle soaring over a mountain range.

364 Two Chipmunks
Acrylic Painting
"364 Two Chipmunks" © 2008 by Nadine L. Meade, 24" x 36" $500
Congratulations George and Mary Nelson!

St Elmo, CO, a friend took the reference photo for this painting while traveling in Colorado and thought I might enjoy working from it. Thanks Bob! I appreciate you thoughtfulness. :)

"264 River Bend Camp", acrylic painting
Acrylic painting
"264 River Bend Camp",© 2005 by Nadine L. Meade,
14" x 11", $125

"The Old Garage", Genesis oil painting
acrylic painting
"The Old Garage" © 2004 by Nadine L. Meade, 11" x 14",$125
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase.

Acrylic painting "Evening Dunes"
Click painting or here to view larger image.
acrylic painting
"Evening Dunes" © 2004 by Nadine L. Meade, 16" x 20",$200
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase. This painting is of a sunset on sand dunes by the ocean.

Acrylic painting of railroad tracks disapearing round the bend.
acrylic painting
"Tracks" © 1997 by Nadine L. Meade, 18" x 14", $175.
Contact Nadine to verify purchase availability or for further information. Train tracks disappearing around the bend.

Watercolor painting of an old farm.
watercolor painting
"The Old Farm"© 2002 by Nadine Meade, 14" x 20", $300
Contact Nadine to verify purchase availability or for further information. This painting is of a old abandoned wooden barn and the surrounding farm yard.

Watercolor painting envisioned from a shed I saw in Tennessee.
Click painting or here to view larger image.

watercolor painting
"Tennessee Shed"© 2004 by Nadine Meade, 18" x 14", $125
Contact Nadine to verify purchase availability or for further information. This painting envisioned from a shed I saw in Tennessee.

Acrylic painting of the Johnson's Place

acrylic painting
"Johnson's Place"©
2004 by Nadine Meade, 18" x 14"
This painting is of the Johnson's house and surrounding area. A very pretty place.

Painting Categories

Animal Portraits  
Western Scenes  
Peruvian Art pertaining to the Peruvian  Paso  Horse  
Still Lifes
Paintings with reference photos

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