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Nadine L. Meade's

Animal Portraits

359 Romandal
Acrylic Painting
"359 Romandal" © 2008 by Nadine L. Meade, 20" x 16" $400
Acrylic painting of PHF Ronaldo, a Peruvian Paso horse.

365 One Chipmunk
Acrylic Painting
"365 One Chipmunk" © 2008 by Nadine L. Meade, 7" x 5"
Congratulations Nelda

A horse painted with blues.
Acrylic Painting
"356 Blues" © 2008 by Nadine L. Meade, 11" x 14" $100
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase.

Bighorn sheep painted in black and white with eye color for contrast.
Acrylic Painting
"360 Horns" © 2008 by Nadine L. Meade, 16" x 20" $300
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase.

Painting of a very nice black lab named Miss JR.
"Essie" © 2006 by Nadine L. Meade
Sold! Congratulations Don and Bobbi Taylor!
Oil painting of a very nice black lab named Miss JR.

Oil painting of a Peruvian Paso mare named Essie
Click painting or here to view larger image.
"Essie" © 2006 by Nadine L. Meade
Sold! Congratulations Jerry and Cortney!
Oil painting of a Peruvian Paso mare named Essie, which belongs to Jerry and Cortney. She is wearing the traditional Peruvian head stall.

288 Abigail
Acrylic Painting
"288 Abigail" © 2005 by Nadine L. Meade, 14" x 11"
Sold! Congratulations Dr Buggsie and Debra!
Acrylic painting of Abigail, a Yorkshire Terrier.

315 Apollo·'s Award Winning Look
Oil Painting
"315 Apollo·s Award Winning Look" © 2006 by Nadine L. Meade, 20" x 16"
Sold! Congratulations Katrena!
Oil painting of Apollo, a Peruvian Paso horse.

Oil painting of Mandy simiular to an earlier painting of the same mare.
Oil Painting
"270 Mandy 2" © 2005 by Nadine L. Meade, 20" x 16" Not For Sale
Oil painting of Mandy, a palomino mustang mare.

Acrylic painting of PHF Ronaldo, a Peruvian Paso horse.
Acrylic painting
"251 PHF Ronaldo" © 2005 by Nadine L. Meade, 30" x 24" $800
Acrylic painting of PHF Ronaldo, a Peruvian Paso horse.

Water color painting of a Rat Terrier puppy named Kayto.
watercolor painting
"Rat Terrier Pup" © 2002 by Nadine L. Meade, 12" x 9" $125
Water color painting of a Rat Terrier puppy named Kayto.

Acrylic painting named "Killdeer's Dance"
acrylic painting
Killdeer's Nest© 2005 by Nadine L. Meade, 16" x 20",
Congratulations Roger Bradshaw

Acrylic painting of a killdeer trying to lead the viewer away from it's nest of 3 eggs hidden in the gravel.

"Apollo's Profile", an acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso horse
acrylic painting
Click painting or here to view larger image.
Apollo's Profile© 2004 by Nadine L. Meade, 36" x 24",
Congratulations Fly-N-H Ranch.
Visit their web site Fly-N H Ranch

This painting is of Apollo, a registered Peruvian Paso horse. He is a chestnut, with a flaxen mane and tail.

"Apollo Fabio", a Genesis oil painting designed to give the feeling of a Fabio bookcover.
Genesis oil painting
"Apollo Fabio",© 2004 by Nadine L. Meade,
24" x 36",
Congratulations Fly-N-H Ranch.
Visit their web site Fly-N H Ranch

A painting designed to give the feeling of a Fabio book cover.

"Abigail", a Genesis oil painting of a Yorkshire Terrier
Genesis oil painting of Abigail, a Yorkshire Terrier.
"Abigail",© 2004 by Nadine L. Meade,
14" x 11",
Congratulations Debra and Jim Bugg.

Acrylic painting of a Peruvian stallion named *Casimiro de la Palizada
acrylic painting
Peruvian stallion named "*Casimiro de la Palizada" © 2004 by Nadine L. Meade,
24" x 36",
Congratulations Brad and Beverly Raphel.
*Casimiro de la Palizada's offspring can be seen at Carousel Acres in College Station, Texas.
email address b.raphel@verizon.net.

Acrylic Painting of a Peruvian gelding named Avatar Joven SRR
Acrylic paintingPeruvian gelding named
"Avatar Joven SRR" © 2004 by Nadine L. Meade, 20" x 16",
Congratulations Jerry, Cortney & Melanie.

Acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso named Rayo.
Acrylic Painting
"Rayo the Barn Buddy"© 2004 by Nadine L. Meade, 30" x 24",under contract
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase. This painting is of Rayo, a Peruvian Paso.

224 Diamonte De Primor CSJ
Acrylic Painting
"224 Diamonte De Primor CSJ" © 2004 by Nadine L. Meade, 16" x 20",NFS
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase. This painting is of Diamonte De Primor CSJ, a Peruvian Paso.

Acrylic painting of a Brahama cow named Dumplin'
acrylic painting
Dumplin' © 2004 by Nadine L. Meade, 14" x 11",$150
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase. This painting is of Dumplin', a Brahama cow.

Acrylic painting of a Brahama Cow and Calf
acrylic painting
"Brahama Cow and Calf" © 2004 by Nadine L. Meade, 11" x 14",$150
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase. This painting is of a Brahama cow and calf.

Acrylic painting of a Palamino Horse
acrylic painting
"Mandy" © 1997 by Nadine L. Meade, 18" x 14", Not for sale.
This painting is of Mandy, a palomino, mustang mare who shared our life for awhile.

Acrylic painting of a snarling cougar.
acrylic painting
"Cougar"© 2001 by Nadine Meade, 16" x 20" $250
Contact Nadine to verify purchase availability or for further information. This painting is a close up of a snarling cougar.

Acrylic painting, a portrait of a baby llama.
acrylic painting
"Portrait" © 2002 by Nadine Meade, 18" x 14",$150
Contact Nadine to verify purchase availability or for further information.
This painting is a close up portrait of a llama.

Watercolor painting of a Treeing Walker.
watercolor painting
"Old Coon Hound" © 2002 by Nadine Meade, 9" x 12",$300
Contact Nadine to verify purchase availability or for further information. This painting is of a Treeing Walker Coon Hound and yes, the tip of his ear has been bit off by a coon!

Watercolor painting of a brahma cow.
Click painting or here to view larger image.
watercolor painting
"Brahma" © 2002 by Nadine Meade, 10" x 8",
Sold Congratulations Laura Peterson!
I spotted this pretty Brahma cow while driving the back roads of southern Oklahoma.

Acrylic painting of Rayo, a Peruvian Paso.
Acrylic painting of Rayo, a Peruvian Paso.
Click painting or here to view larger image.
"Rayo" © 2004 by Nadine Meade, 20" x 16",
Congratulations Gary and Julia Meek

Painting Categories

Animal Portraits  
Western Scenes  
Peruvian Art pertaining to the Peruvian  Paso  Horse  
Still Lifes
Paintings with reference photos

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