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Nadine L. Meade's

Western Scenes

A bull standing in front of a barn, with a fence close by to climb if the bull charges!
acrylic painting
"362 Ready To Climb" © 2008 by Nadine Meade, 24" x 30", $600
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase.
A horned Hereford bull standing in front of an old barn. His head is raised as he is looking at you. I painted a heavy timber fence on the left of the canvas, which angles back toward the bull and barn. I named this painting, "Ready To Climb" because when a bull looks at you the way this one is looking he may decide to charge, so be ready to climb to get out of the way! :)

367 Fragrant Outhouse
acrylic painting
"367 Fragrant Outhouse" © 2008 by Nadine Meade, 14" x 11", $100
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase.
An old out house surrounded by flowers. Is the fragrant in the title of this painting referring to the flowers or the outhouse itself? :)

Acrylic painting, looking out a painted window frame at a cowboy and a barn.  A coffee cup is on the window ledge.
acrylic painting
"Sunrise" © 2007 by Nadine Meade, 24" x 30", $700
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase.
Looking out of a painted window frame at a cowboy and an old barn. There is a coffee cup on the window ledge.

The cowboy, horse and dog in this painting were modeled after a cowboy which I photographed in Pecos Wilderness many years ago, he was going up into the mountains to herd cows. We were there with two of our Peruvian Paso horses to spend a week vacationing and trail riding. The barn is from a photo of an old barn which used to stand on Hwy 3A near Earlsboro, Oklahoma, but is now gone. The painted window frame is strictly a figment of my imagination, which is painted with all the right boards to hold the glass in place. The coffee cup used in the painting is one that my Aunt Nita in Michigan gave me when I was 16 and spent the summer visiting her and my Grandmother. It has a lot of sentimental value to me. The canvas edges are painted like wood, also.

Sunrise is an oil painting of an old barn at sunrise.
oil painting
"Sunrise" © 2007 by Nadine Meade, 24" x 30",
This painting is of an old barn at sunrise.
Sold! Congratulations Dr Barry!

Acrylic painting, "Jim White's" barn
acrylic painting on paper
"Jim White's Barn" © 2004 by Nadine Meade, 14" x 21",$200
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase. This painting is of an old barn located in Seminole County, Oklahoma.

This acrylic painting is of an old barn located in Pottsville, Arkansas.
acrylic painting
"Pottsville, Ark" © 2001 by Nadine Meade, 24" x 36",$1,000
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase. This painting is of an old barn located in Pottsville, Arkansas.

This acrylic painting has a painted frame and gives the impression that you are looking out a cabin window.
acrylic painting
"Cabin Window" © 1999 by Nadine L. Meade, 24" x 18", $250
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase.
This painting has a painted frame and gives the impression that you are looking out a cabin window.

This acrylic painting is of two people racing horses in a river, coming towards the viewer.
acrylic painting
Click painting or here to view larger image.
"River Race" © 2000 by Nadine Meade, 24" x 36",$850
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase. This painting is of two people racing horses in a river, coming towards the viewer.

Painting Categories

Animal Portraits  
Western Scenes  
Peruvian Art pertaining to the Peruvian  Paso  Horse  
Still Lifes
Paintings with reference photos

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