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Nadine L. Meade's

Still Lifes

Painting of my old brown riding boots.

Acrylic Painting
353 Brown Boots© 2007 by Nadine L. Meade, 14" x 11", $200
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase.

Painting of my old brown riding boots. Those boots and I have seen a lot of miles together!

A colored pencil drawn to look like a stained glass window with a horse in it.

colored pencil drawing
333 Stained Glass Horse© 2007 by Nadine L. Meade, 20" x 12",
Sold! Thank you!
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase.

Drawn to fool the eye into believing you are looking at a stained glass not a colored pencil drawing.

Painted to fool the eye into believing the painted canvas background is actually plywood.

acrylic painting
330 Buffalo River Composite© 2007 by Nadine L. Meade, 24" x 30", $600
Contact Nadine to verify availability and to purchase.

Painted to fool the eye into believing the painted canvas background is actually plywood supporting my "painting" and reference material. The references give the appearance of being on light weight paper which is curling up at the corners and supported on top by push pins and scotch tape. One of the references is an original graphite drawing, directly on the stretched canvas. These reference works are combined into one "painting," which has added dimension, standing out from the "plywood" like a stretched canvas would, by usage of a drop shadow. The painted "canvas" is supported by "wood strips" complete with attaching "screws." My signature is on what appears to be a piece of masking tape on the plywood. The canvas edges are painted like the edge of plywood.

Acrylic Painting named "Stress Relief
Click painting or here to view larger image, and read more about this painting.

acrylic painting
312 Stress Relief© 2006 by Nadine L. Meade, 24" x 36",
Painting combining the interest of golf and OU football.
Sold! Congratulations Dr Jett!

Acrylic Painting named "Stress Relief 2"
Click painting or here to view larger image, and read more about this painting.

acrylic painting
313 Stress Relief 2© 2006 by Nadine L. Meade, 24" x 36",
Contact Nadine to verify purchase availability or for further information. Painting combining the interest of golf and OU football.

"248 Larry Marker's Still Life", acrylic painting of a western still life.
acrylic painting
239 Larry Marker's Still Life© 2005 by Nadine L. Meade, 24" x 36",
Congratulations Larry and Sam Marker!

239 Larry Moreland's Still Life

acrylic painting
"239 Larry Moreland's Still Life"©
2004 by Nadine Meade, 24" x 36"
Congratulations Larry Moreland!

Painting of a shaving kit on an old chuck wagon.
Click painting or here to view larger image.
watercolor painting
"Shaving Kit"© 2002 by Nadine Meade, 14" x 20",
SOLD   Thank You!

Painting Categories

Animal Portraits  
Western Scenes  
Peruvian Art pertaining to the Peruvian  Paso  Horse  
Still Lifes
Paintings with reference photos

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