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Nadine L. Meade

Same painting displayed photographed in numerous conditions, note the color and perspective changes.
Acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso named Rayo.Acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso named Rayo.Acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso named Rayo.Acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso named Rayo.Acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso named Rayo.Acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso named Rayo.Acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso named Rayo.Acrylic painting of a Peruvian Paso named Rayo.
Quality photos of artwork are possible, and can closely represent a painting, but photos usually don't show the depth and detail of a painting. Photos of artwork on this site represent my artwork closely but are not guaranteed to be exact representations.

A larger photo of this painting can be seen in Paintings, Animal Portraits.

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