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Nadine L. Meade

Same painting displayed in different frames to show how much framing affects the look of a painting.

Acrylic Painting "Jim White's Barn" in frame #1Acrylic Painting "Jim White's Barn" in frame #2Acrylic Painting "Jim White's Barn" in frame #3Acrylic Painting "Jim White's Barn" in frame #4Acrylic Painting "Jim White's Barn" in frame #5Acrylic Painting "Jim White's Barn" in frame #6Acrylic Painting "Jim White's Barn" in frame #7Acrylic Painting "Jim White's Barn" in frame #8Acrylic Painting "Jim White's Barn" in frame #8
Different frames appeal to different people, but the framing choices make a lot of difference in the finished look of a painting.

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