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Nadine L. Meade

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2008 Seminole Made in Oklahoma Festival participant
2007 Deep South Peruvian Horse Club
2006 Colorado State Fair Championship Peruvian Horse Show ad
2005 Western artist to display art in Shawnee
2004 Ada Artist Association Exhibit
2004 Shawnee News-Star display announcement
2003 Oklahoma Art Guild awards list
2002 Card from Missy Goodnight
2002 Ada Artist Association Spring Art Exhibit
1999 Duncan Guild Juried Show
1999 Oklahoma Art Guild Juried Show
1999 Flyer advertising for Hippotherapy benefit.
1998 "OETRA newsletter with the members section"
1998 "Discovered Treasure"

2008 Seminole Made in Oklahoma Festival participant

2008 Made in Oklahoma festival in Seminole Oklahoma

I sat up my art display at the outdoor festival in the local town of Seminole. They had a nice turn out at this event. View original card,thanking participants for coming.

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2007 Deep South Peruvian Horse Club

2008 Made in Oklahoma festival in Seminole Oklahoma

Deep South Peruvian Horse Clubdonation to benefit silent auction.

Specially Commissioned Painting by Nadine Meade
Content Option: one person with their horse or two horses. Landscape options are unlimited including ranch buildings. www.nadinelmeade.com

The program has a copy of my biography. Thank you! To read my biography please go to "About Nadine page. Nadine

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2006 - 2008 Colorado State Fair
Championship Peruvian Horse Show ad

2006 Colorado State Fair Championship Peruvian Horse Show ad

Colorado State Fair Championship Peruvian Horse Show advertisement created by Nadine in 2006 using a combination of painted images and computer editing.

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2005 Western artist to display art in Shawnee

2005 Western artist to display art in Shawnee

View article in Shawnee News-Star, November 25, 2005

Local western artist Nadine L. Meade will show her original work at First United Bank in Shawnee today through Dec 16.

The exhibit features western-themed acrylic and watercolor paintings, portraits and a bronze sculpture.

Meade has won a number of awards since beginning her art career in 1997. She was recently commissioned to create the bronze award for the International Peruvian Paso Horse Futurity. The artist proof of the bronze will be on display at her Shawnee exhibit.

Meade is a self-taught artist who has shown her work throughout Oklahoma, in Texas and Colorado.

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2004 Ada Artist Association Exhibit

2004 Ada Artist Association Exhibit

View flyer which shows Nadine among a list of exhibitors.

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2004 Shawnee News-Star art display announcement

2004 Shawnee News-Star art display announcement

View Shawnee New-Star article, "Meade shows paintings, sculpture" printed January 11, 2004.

Several pieces by local western artist Nadine Meade are on display at First United Bank, 912 E. Independence in Shawnee.

The artwork, which will be shown through Feb. 6, includes western-themed acrylic and watercolor paintings and an award-winning bronze sculpture.

Meade, formerly of Shawnee, has won a number of awards since beginning her art career in 1997. Most recently, her horse and rider sculpture, "Upset," placed first in both the Oklahoma Art Guild Fall Show and the Holdenville Society of Painters and Sculptors.

Meade is a self-taught artist who has shown her work throughout Oklahoma, in Texas and Colorado.

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2003 Oklahoma Art Guild awards list

2003 Oklahoma Art Guild awards list

View awards list for the OK Art Guild Members Exhibition, Oct 27-November 7, 2003. (List not shown in it's entirety)

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2002 Card from Missy Goodnight

2002 Card from Missy Goodnight

View card from Missy concerning a watercolor portrait of Missy's dog, "Chance".


Thank you so much for the painting of Chance. It's so beautiful. You even caught the expression in his eyes! He is my big 70 pound baby and we love him to death!

Thank You! Love, Missy Goodnight

Missy is the daughter-in-law of my neighbors, Gene and Linda Goodnight. Linda is an award winning author of inspirational romances, check out her website at www.lindagoodnight.com

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2002 Ada Artist Association Exhibit

2002 Ada Artist Association Exhibit

View flyer which shows Nadine among a list of exhibitors.

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1999 Duncan Guild Juried Show

1999 Duncan Guild Juried Show

April 1999 acceptance into Duncan Art Guild juried show.
Paintings accepted into show are "Checking Her Baby," "Moonlight," and "Want To Be a Barn Buddy".

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1999 Oklahoma Art Guild Juried Show


1999 Oklahoma Art Guild Juried Show
View the painting that was accepted into the show, "Pottsville, Arkansas"

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1999 Flyer advertising for Hippotherapy benefit.

1999 flyer advertising a wagon train and trail ride benefit for Integris Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Services Hippotherapy Program. Nadine is included in the list of sponsors.

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1998 Published in the OETRA Newsletter

1998 Published in the OETRA Newsletter

View excerpt from February, 1998 OETRA newsletter.

View horse portrait, "Mandy" that won 1st at the Oklahoma State Fair in 1997 and was latter shown to the OETRA Members at the monthly meeting.

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1998 Discovered Treasure

1998 Discovered Treasure

View photo copy of original article, "Discovered Treasure" by Gwen King Published by Historical Society of Pottawatomie County, 1998

Flyer for Santa Fe Depot showing
Gwen King of the Shawnee Sun has unearthed a little known treasure in our midst. A local resident artist by the name of Nadine Meade.

Nadine discovered her natural talent in what else but natural art. Her work is composed of animals such as horses, dogs, cats and one vicious looking cougar!

She received first place awards at both the Pottawatomie County Fair and the Oklahoma State Fair.

Nadine has painted for only a few years, but one would never guess by the detail and natural appearance of her work.

The Santa Fe Depot Museum is hosting an exhibition of Nadine Meade's art from January 29th until February 1st. We encourage you to come and see these wondrous paintings.

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