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Nadine L. Meade's Photos
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Robert Chastant riding Carinoso el Elemento
Photo taken at Sooner State Peruvian Horse Club show in Ada, OK, June 2009
2009 Almosta Farm Shindig
(scroll down for photos)
April 3, 4, and 5, 2009 we had a shindig here at Almosta Farm for the members of the Oklahoma Gaited Horse Yahoo chat group and friends. On Friday there were 8 people who enjoyed a short ride on the trails Mark Easley, our neighbor, so graciously allowed us to use for the weekend. There were 18 people who were able to attend the evening potluck dinner, thanks Denitia and Ron for bringing the wonderful Bar-B-Que which we planned the meal around. After supper we enjoyed Mark's recital of cowboy poetry.
Saturday Mother Nature was once again very nice to us, and we enjoyed a nice day for riding and visiting. We had 2 rides, with 14 people going on the first ride and 13 on the second. Most of the photos shown below were taken on Saturday, I forgot to take any photos on Friday evening. (Thanks Spider, for reminding me to take photos on Saturday.)
Saturday evening Diana served her delicious deer meat and beans with cornbread and blackberry wine cake. Kathye brought delicious casseroles, both turkey and chicken. Many other people also supplied the wonderful dishes which accompanied this meal.
Saturday evening Mark once again was kind enough to entertain us with us with cowboy poetry. Gene intended to play his guitar for us but was sick that weekend and unable to come. Thanks Gene, perhaps next year?
The Saturday evening "Tack in a Sack", which we played like Dirty Santa, was a great source of amusement, and a good chance to exchange unused tack that likes to creep into most peoples tack rooms.
I'd like to thank everyone who attended for allowing us to enjoy your company, and also for being so generous with the items brought for the potluck meals. I wasn't sure how smoothly that would work out, but we had plenty of food on hand. Since this is the first gathering of this type that we've hosted I am happy to say that everyone behaved as you'd expect responsible adults to and were a pleasure to have as our guest.
We look forward to doing it again, it was a fun weekend, thanks again to everyone for making it go so well. Nadine
The people who attended this shindig were Edianne, Asha, Cameron, Mark, Cris, Denitia, Ron, Britta, Nellie, Robert, Glynda, Dan, Diana, Larry, Josh, Jessica, Marlys, Deen, Kristy, Teresa and hosts Spider and Nadine.
If I missed anyone please let me know so I can add them here. I'm just going from my memory as I write this, one week after the event.
Saturday Morning warm up ride while others finished saddling.
We had nice weather, but the wind was blowing a bit. Check out the horse's mane and tails blowing in the wind while we were riding in the field.
Group crossing flat rocks on our place, Larry on Chica in the foreground. Glynda and Chichi looking good!
Left to Right, Dan on Snuffy, Diana on Poncho, Nellie on Amigo and Larry on Chica second photo is Larry on Chica
Diana on Poncho. He's feeling energetic! It was Poncho's first group ride. Larry on Chica.
Nellie on Amigo, Cris on Hombre, Dianna and Larry in background.
Glynda on Chichi
First ride on Saturday, April 4, 2009
Group preparing to ride, Jessie on Akita
Nellie and Diva
Left to Right, Glynda on Chichi, Nellie on Diva, Nellie on Diva, Dan on Snuffy, Hombre's head
Group, Nellie, Dan, Josh and Jessie
Denitia on Leigia
Group, Ron on Mia, Nellie on Diva in foreground.
Group, foreground riders left to right, Nellie, Mark and Glynda
Glynda on Chichi
Group, lead by Mark Cris, Marlys and Nellie
L to R Marlys on Luna, Britta on Amigo, Josh on MM (Mule Mare)
Group, Jessie on Akita, Josh on MM
Group, Ron (on phone) on Mia, Diana on Poncho
Group at water crossing, Ron in foreground, then Dan in foreground and 1/2 of Denitia
Group, Ron on Mia in foreground
Josh on MM, Dan on Snuffy
Mark, thanks for fixing the nice drinks and having horse treats for a break during the ride. Very thoughtful!
Jessie with Akita and Mark
Glynda with Chichi and Marlys on Luna with Mark
Cris with Hombre
Ron, Nellie, Josh, Diana, Britta and Dan with Snuffy
Nellie, Josh, Diana, Britta
Second ride on Saturday
Mark on Baby Powder and Britta on Pizzaro
Jessie on Akita and Nadine on Libro
Left to right, Diana with Poncho, Robert riding Peppy, background vehicles and house barn at Almosta Farm. Josh on MM and Teresa on Snuffy.
Chichi, second photo is Glynda on Chichi
Ron on Mia and Robert on Peppy
Nellie on Melanie
Group, Ron in foreground, note Libro's ears! Thank you Ron for taking the earlier photo of me on Libro. Usually I don't hand my camera around enough (maybe on purpose? :) and don't have any photos of me riding, so I try to include my horses ears.
Group from back, the last riders in each photo are, in photo on left, Diana on Poncho, and in photo on right, Teresa on Snuffy.
Group going down the trail, in second photo notice that Glynda and Chichi are crossing the ditch. Ron on Mia is the closest rider. Have to admit that I don't remember planning on having Libro's ears in these two photos. :) There are several photos that aren't included here that are crooked or blurry because I snapped them while riding .
Relaxing after the ride
Mia tied at Denitia's Brenderup trailer. Mia, Denitia and Britta, all resting after the day's ride.
Jessie and Akita enjoying a quiet moment after the ride.
Saturday evening gathering
From left to right, Mark and Kathye, Diana, and Denitia. In the second photo, Kathye, Diana, Britta (way in the background), Nellie just barely visible behind Denitia's cap, Denitia (on knees making her choice and having lots of fun), Josh, Jessie, Glynda and Dan, Teresa is just visible on the couch. Behind me were Ron and Spider.
...and a few more photos
Diana with Poncho warming up in the round pen. The cooks, Diana, Nellie and Glynda. Thanks Ladies!!
Marlys and Glynda getting the tour of my sewing/tack room, and obviously the laundry room too! :)
Left to right Spider, Larry, and Dan
End of April 2009 Shindig photos, hope you enjoyed them! Nadine
Photos, mainly trail riding
Some of these photos will probably show that I have a "quick draw" habit with my camera, and gentle horses that allow me to snap photos while still traveling down the riding trails!
Photos below this horizontal line were taken before 2009.
Hemi with our neighbor Julie riding him.
Nadine and Missy, a little rat terrier riding Hemi.
Miles, my nephew, riding Hemi, Nadine leading and Eric as an out walker for Miles. Julie and Hemi smiling for the camera.
Hemi enjoying running in the pasture when we first got him, and standing tied, with Rojo in the background.
Our boys running in the pasture. Hemi, Rocky, Libro, Rojo, and Mantequilla.
Nadine riding Peruvian Paso gelding, Jamie Real, nicknamed Hemi and 2004 Peruvian Paso trail ride at Gary and Julia Meek's, Arkansas
2003 Pecos Wilderness, NM trail riding on our Peruvians, bridge crossing and Spider and his Peruvian gelding, Libro, takeing a break
Nadine and her Peruvian gelding, Primero, at 10,000 feet in Pecos Wilderness, NM. Rocky's first ride at Sportsman's Lake riding trails.
Trail Riding at Nickels Park Equestrian Riding Trails in Henryetta, OK and Nadine riding Che, a Peruvian Paso.
Trail Riding at Nickels Park Equestrian Riding Trails and a photo of Nadine and Harley returning from a ride near our house.
Trail Riding at Sportsman's Lake Equestrian Riding Trails with Ron and Denitia
Water viewing at Sportsman's and Nadine and Rat Terrier, Missy, riding Peruvian Paso gelding, Lattie
Peruvian Paso geldings trail riding at Sportsman's Lake Equestrian Riding Trails, Seminole OK
Trail Riding Peruvian Paso geldings at Sportsman's Lake Equestrian Riding Trails
Loading turkeys in stock trailer with our Peruvian Paso geldings or perhaps, "How to catch turkeys."
This is what happens when you accidentally brush hog a turkey hen when she's hatching babies and feel so bad about it you hand raise the 2 surviving babies!
Spider and Nadine with Peruvian Paso geldings Primero and Libro, near Seminole, OK
Harley riding Peruvian Paso gelding, Lattie, Seminole, OK 2006

Nadine on Che and Beth on Lattie at Sportsman's Lake Equestrian Riding Trails, Seminole, OK, both horses are Peruvian Pasos.
Sportsman's Lake Riding Trails, Seminole OK on our Peruvian Paso geldings.
Gives a new meaning to the term "River Bottom Hay! Photo taken during flooding in the spring of 2007 near Shawnee OK. At least these bales didn't float across a 4 lane divided highway like several did in Seminole, OK during the same flood.
Our house barn combo near Seminole, OK. and photo of our view from the deck.
View from our second floor deck, Seminole, OK
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